Overseas Contracts

As of Sep 26 2024

Overseas Construction Contracts

This study covers overseas construction projects (worth 10 million yen or more per contract) signed for by the 52 member companies of the Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc. Figures exclude contracts between member companies (including those overseas) and between member companies based in Japan and their overseas subsidiaries (duplicates due to general contracting and subcontracting), and figures for joint-venture projects are reported according to the ratios of equity investments by the participating companies.

Latest Overseas Construction Contracts

Monthly Report (Jul.2023~Aug.2024)
Value (100 million yen)
PC OAC Total
FY 2021 390,166 1,397,849 1,788,015
FY 2022 679,972 1,368,539 2,048,511
FY 2023 412,248 1,878,489 2,290,737
Jul.2023 26,040 70,651 96,691
Aug.2023 16,415 177,575 193,990
Sep.2023 24,649 117,755 142,404
Oct.2023 28,309 71,698 100,007
Nov.2023 49,101 372,658 421,759
Dec.2023 40,100 126,743 166,843
Jan.2024 62,515 112,733 175,248
Feb.2024 9,692 165,538 175,230
Mar.2024 47,476 62,276 109,752
Apr.2024 25,776 111,575 137,351
May.2024 34,370 174,077 208,447
Jun.2024 66,683 136,449 203,132
Jul.2024 7,345 156,369 163,714
Aug.2024 45,949 87,105 133,054
FY 2024(Apr-Aug.2024) 180,123 665,575 845,698

FY 2023 Outline of Overseas Construction Contracts

This study covers overseas construction projects (worth 10 million yen or more per contract) signed for in FY2023 by the 52 member companies of the Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc. Figures exclude contracts between member companies (including those overseas) and between member companies based in Japan and their overseas subsidiaries (duplicates due to general contracting and subcontracting), and figures for joint-venture projects are reported according to the ratios of equity investments by the participating companies. ※The figures in the text may not match the figures in the table due to rounding.



1.Overall Trends in Contracts

Member companies signed 1,850 overseas construction contracts in FY2023, for a total value of 2,290.7 billion yen. Compared to the previous fiscal year, the number of contracts decreased by 1, but the total contract value increased by 242.2 billion yen.

The value of contracts signed by Parent Companies (PC) decreased by 267.7 billion yen to 412.2 billion yen. The value of contracts signed by Overseas Affiliated Companies (OAC) increased by 510 billion yen to 1,878.5 billion yen.

By region, the total value of contracts signed was: Asia, 1,023.5 billion yen; the Middle East and North Africa, 17.1 billion yen; Africa 50.1 billion yen; North America, 787.8 billion yen; Central and South America, 43.2 billion yen; Western Europe, 4.1 billion yen; Eastern Europe, 155.5 billion yen; and Oceania, 209.4 billion yen.

By type of client, contracts with public sectors totaled 935.4 billion yen in value and those with private sectors 1,355.4 billion yen.

By source of funding, self-funded contracts totaled 2,141.2 billion yen in value; contracts funded by grant aid, 36.6 billion yen; and those funded by ordinary yen loans, 112.3 billion yen. Overall contracts funded with ODA loans (total of grant aid and ordinary yen loans) was 148.9 billion yen, a decrease of 166.2 billion compared to the previous fiscal year (315.1 billion yen). Other contracts funded by international financial institutions including Asian Development Bank and PPP totaled 0.6 billion yen, a decrease of 0.5 billion yen compared to the previous year (1.1 billion yen).

By type of contract, construction contracts totaled 1,523.5 billion yen in value; design-build contracts, 762.5 billion yen; PM/CM contracts, 50 million yen; technical advice contracts, 3.9 billion yen and other contracts, 0.9 billion yen. There were no turnkey contracts for this fiscal year.

2.PC and OAC Trends

By company, contracts signed by PC totaled 486 in number and 412.2 billion yen in value, representing an increase of 60 in number, but a decrease of 267.7 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year.

By region, the value of contracts signed by PC totaled: Asia, 272.9 billion yen; the Middle East and North Africa, 4.6 billion yen; Africa, 50.1 billion yen; North America, 21.8 billion yen; Central and South America, 35.8 billion yen; Oceania, 27 billion yen; there were no contracts for Western and Eastern Europe for this fiscal year.

On the other hand, contracts signed by OAC totaled 1,364 in number and 1,878.5 billion yen in value, representing a decrease of 61 in number, but an increase of 510 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year.

By region, the value of contracts signed by OAC totaled: Asia, 750.6 billion yen; the Middle East and North Africa, 12.5 billion yen; North America, 766 billion yen; Central and South America, 7.4 billion yen; Western Europe, 4.1 billion yen; Eastern Europe, 155.5 billion yen; and Oceania, 182.4 billion yen; there were no contracts for Africa for this fiscal year.

Accordingly, a comparison between the values of contracts by PC and those by OAC showed a ratio of 18:82, representing a decrease in the share of PC contracts and an increase in the share of OAC contracts from the previous fiscal year (33:67). 

  FY 2023 FY 2022 Year-on-year change
Number Value(100 million yen)(%) Number Value(100 million yen)(%) Number Value(100 million yen)(%)
PC 486 4,122(18.0%) 426 6,800(33.2%)   60 -2,677(-39.4%)
OAC  1,364 18,785(82.0%) 1,425 13,685(66.8%) -61 5,100( 37.3%)
Total 1,850 22,907(100.0%) 1,851 20,485(100.0%) -1 2,422(11.8%)

3.Regional Trends

By region, the value of contracts in Asia totaled 1,390 in number and 1,023.5 billion yen in value, representing an increase of 43 in number, but a decrease of 100.9 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year. By type of client, contracts with public sectors in Asia decreased by 259.6 billion yen to 215.2 billion yen; those with private sectors in the region increased by 158.7 billion yen to 808.3 billion yen.

Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Contracts in the Middle East and North Africa totaled 14 in number and 17.1 billion yen in value, representing a decreases of 10 in contracts number and 0.4 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year. By type of client, contracts with public sectors in the Middle East and North Africa increased by 6.1 billion yen to 9.2 billion yen; those with private sectors in the region decreased by 6.5 billion yen to 8 billion yen.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Contracts in Africa totaled 21 in number and 50.1 billion yen in value, representing a decrease of 1 in number but an increase of 22.2 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year. By type of client, contracts with public sectors in Africa increased by 20.5 billion yen to 48.4 billion yen, while there were no orders from private sectors in the previous fiscal year, but this year amounted to 1.7 billion yen.

North America
Contracts in North America totaled 148 in number and 787.8 billion yen in value, representing a decrease of 86 in number but an increase of 119.6 billion yen in value. By type of client, contracts with public sectors in North America increased by 333.2 billion yen to 514.3 billion yen; those with private sectors in the region decreased by 213.6 billion yen to 273.5 billion yen.

Central and South America
Contracts in Central and South America totaled 119 in number and 43.2 billion yen in value, representing an increase of 52 in number and an increase of 3.6 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year. By type of client, contracts with public sectors in Central and South America decreased by 1.8 billion yen to 1.8 billion yen; those with private sectors in the region increased by 5.4 billion yen to 41.4 billion yen.

Western Europe
Contracts in Western Europe totaled 25 in number and 4.1 billion yen in value, representing a decrease of 4 in number and a decrease of 4.7 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year. By type of client, there were no contracts with public sectors in Western Europe for this fiscal year; all contracts were with private sectors.

Eastern Europe
Contracts in Eastern Europe totaled 65 in number and 155.5 billion yen in value, representing a decrease of 8 in numbers but an increase of 79.4 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year. By type of client, there were no contracts with public sectors in Eastern Europe for this fiscal year; all contracts were with private sector.

Contracts in Oceania totaled 68 in number and 209.4 billion yen in value, representing an increase of 13 in number and an increase of 123.5 billion yen in value from the previous fiscal year. By type of client, contracts with public sectors in Oceania increased by 131.9 billion yen to 146.6 billion yen; those with private sectors in the region decreased by 8.4 billion yen to 62.8 billion yen.

  FY 2023 FY 2022 Year-on-year change
Region Number Value(100 million yen)(%) Number Value(100 million yen)(%) Value(100 million yen)(%)
Asia 1,390 10,235(44.7%) 1,347 11,244(54.9%) -1,009(-9.0%)
Middle East &
North Africa
14 171(0.7%) 24 175(0.9%) -4(-2.1%)
Sub-Saharan Africa 21 501(2.2%) 22 279(1.4%) 222(79.5%)
North America 148 7,878(34.4%) 234 6,682(32.6%) 1,196(17.9%)
Central &
South America
119 432(1.9%) 67 396(1.9%) 36(9.0%)
West Europe 25 41(0.2%) 29 88(0.4%) -47(-53.3%)
East Europe 65 1,555(6.8%) 73 761(3.7%) 794(104.2%)
Oceania 68 2,094(9.1%) 55 859(4.2%) 1,235(143.8%)
Total 1,850 22,907(100.0%) 1,851 20,485(100.0%) 2,422(11.8%)